- A.L. Gustin Golf Course
- Academic calendar
- Academic Exploration and Advising Services
- Academic Integrity, Office of
- Academic personnel, see Provost Office
- Academic Success and Excellence, Center for
- Academic Support Center
- Accessibility and ADA, Office of
- Accountability and Support, Student
- Accountancy, School of
- Accounts Payable and Shared Services
- ACT Center
- ADA accommodations (faculty and staff)
- Admissions, Undergraduate
- Adult Day Connection
- Adult Neuropsychology Clinic
- Advanced Light Microscopy Core
- Advancement
- Adventure Club
- Advising
- Advisors Forum
- AdZou
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aerospace Studies
- Agribusiness management, see Applied Social Sciences
- Agricultural economics, see Applied Social Sciences
- Agricultural education and leadership, see Applied Social Sciences
- Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, College of (CAFNR)
- Agroforestry, Center for
- Air Force ROTC Detachment 400
- Alumni Association, Mizzou
- Anatomical Sciences
- Ancient Mediterranean Studies
- Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
- Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC)
- Animal Care Quality Assurance (ACQA) Office
- Animal Modeling Core
- Animal Sciences, Division of
- Anthropology Museum
- Anthropology, Department of
- Applied Social Sciences, Division of (CAFNR)
- Apply, Graduate and Professional Programs
- Apply, Undergraduate Programs
- Arabic
- Architectural Studies
- Archives, University
- Army ROTC
- Art
- Art and Archaeology Museum
- Art History
- Arts and Science, College of
- Asian Affairs Center
- Assessment Resource Center
- Astronomy
- Athletics
- August Orientation